Due to the storm our phonelines will be down this week. Please contact us on info@stmadoc.co.uk for all enquiries. We hope to be up and running as soon as possible.
01792 386291
St Madoc Centre
Phone: 01792 386 291
Email: info@stmadoc.co.uk
Getting to the St Madoc Centre is pretty simple by car, or bus. Unfortunately though, using our postcode on your SatNav will only get you so far.
Make sure you check where we are on the map and read the directions below to make sure you know where you're going!
Once in Llanmadoc Village you will pass The Britannia Inn on your right. Drive up the hill passing the Llanmadoc shop on your right. Pass the triangle Island with a red telephone box on your left. You will come to a prominent white Swiss style house in front of you. Take the road that runs between this house and the ancient village Church building. Go straight on. Do not turn right . Do not go down the hill to Cwm Ivy.
Half a mile on and you will see an entrance to Whitford Bay Caravan Park on the right hand side. We're just to the right of their entrance.